February Lunch and Learn – Central Intelligence Agency

February 5, 2018

February Lunch and Learn – Central Intelligence Agency

CIA Seal
Date: February 22, 2018
Time: 12:30-1:30pm, lunch will be served starting at 12:00 noon. One-on-one appointment slots with CIA representatives available from 1:30-4:00pm.
Location: Research Commons, 18th Ave Library Room 340

Registration for this event is now full. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please email Brooke Raake.5@osu.edu


The Data Analytics program, in collaboration with the OSU Research Commons, is offering a series of Lunch and Learn events covering a broad range of interesting and engaging topics related to Big Data, data science, and data analytics. 

The February Lunch and Learn is sponsored by the Central Intelligence AgencyThe CIA is the premier agency responsible for providing global intelligence on the ever-changing political, social, economic, technological and military environment. At the CIA, the paramount goal and mission is to protect the national security of the United States. Virtually any job that you can imagine is available at the CIA – plus, some you can’t even imagine.

During this Lunch and Learn session, CIA officers will discuss the unique role of Analytic Methodologists, who leverage substantive research methods and quantitative analysis to provide rigor and novel insights on intelligence concerns that ensure the security of the United States and further US interests abroad. Methodologists work on interdisciplinary projects using approaches from academia and industry. They also partner with substantive experts and data scientists to develop and prototype new methodological approaches and tools, applying them in novel ways to propel research and gain new insights from diverse, large datasets.

The lunch portion of the program begins at noon. Panera will be provided. Space is limited, and registration is required. From 1:30-4:00pm, a room will be reserved for students to meet individually with representatives from the CIA and ask questions about internships and full-time employment opportunities. These appointments are open to all undergraduate and graduate students on a first-come, first-serve basis.